Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Italy, land of beauty


Sabaudia, Italia (on the Med)

I'm alive, I'm well, and I've been missing the company of my main man, Sir Gosewisch. It is very difficult being alone in a foreign place, if just because you are alone and in a foreign place. But there's more to it in this particular situation: Sean and I had traveled together for almost four months, and I basically went cold turkey off the Traveling Together Train. I'm not sure if that analogy is appropriate or makes sense, but just go with it.

I told you that an upcoming post will detail our initial exploits in Ireland, as well as include a list of some of the coolest and strangest encounters we have had. That has been put on hold for the time being until I can catch up with my own writing and riding and, oh yeah, sleeping (there's a dog out there who just couldn't bear to see me sleep). But the weather here is great: 16 and sunny. And I have smile on face, song in heart. And I am about to eat some prosciutto and cheese. Can't waaaait!

1 comment:

  1. We are very glad that you are alive and well!! It's going to be hard traveling alone but you have done it before. Keep busy and keep writing. Your stories keep us thirsty for more!! We check Cycloquest first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
    Love Mom and Dad XOXO
