Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Soon and very soon


Paul & Deb's, Weston-Super-Mare, England

The last week has truly been a vacation within a vacation, one of the rarest phenomena known to man. The last census reported that only a few hundred families across the US had enjoyed a v.w.v. in the past ten years. While they act to immediately amplify the fun and enjoyment of every day trip, meal, and good night's sleep, you run a risk of lowering the utility of the original vacation. To explain: Sean and I are cycling quite a bit, working very hard at times to see the countryside and inch our way across the land. Paul and Deb have taken us in and treated us like sons - sons that will later become the kings of two allied countries and, even later, the leaders of the Resistance against the Machines. We have all the food we could ever ask for (and then loads more "to fatten you up," says Deb). Our clothes seem to magically clean themselves, like a bunch of polyester cats. And we have The Simpsons every night at 7pm. With all this pampering, why would we ever want to hop back on the bikes and get all sore, sweaty, and tired again? Why crawl across the map at a rate of 80 miles a day when we could be carted around by Deb's little engine that usually could, or a bus, or a 5 pound flight? Therein lies the danger, that we wouldn't want to return to our regularly scheduled "vacation" (more and more I feel this is the wrong word).
On the contrary, this respite has only made me more eager to keep on truckin' across England on young Midnight. I am yearning for the bit to be thrust back in my mouth so I can chomp, chomp, chomp away. I find myself shaking in anticipation of the adventures that await over yonder hill! Or maybe the pudding we just had is causing these tremors... Either way, this v.w.v. has allowed us to recharge our vigor and spirits far beyond full to the point of dripping at every turn. I feel happier than I've ever felt, ready to take on any challenge, and I'm supremely overjoyed to be doing everything I am doing with the special people I am with.
Our time with Paul and Deb has been nothing short of everything we could have hoped for. But our time has come, and we plan to leave Friday morning for Oxford. In the meantime, we'll try to get in some final sightseeing and stay rested for the upcoming treks: to Oxford is 90-odd miles, while Cambridge lies 85 miles hence. Today, we accomplished both goals, taking a light ride out to Sand Point on the Weston beach and gaining a very nice view of Cardiff and Newport over the bay. A la vez, we managed to put Weston's famous sinking mud to the test; apparently, it has claimed dozens of lives over the years from headstrong youths challenging the limits of Nature. We survived, though not without a few scares and some souveneir sand. Our ride, mud stroll, and rock climb today was quite the relaxing yet adventurous way to spend the waning hours of a vaction within a vacation. The next time you get the chance to explore the giddy elation and tricky conundrums of a v.w.v., seize the opportunity, keeping in mind that you only die once.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That sounds amazing! You really are having the time of your life! Deb & Paul sound like they are such nice people. I'm glad you got the chance to be pampered a bit. Tell them your momma says Thank You!This makes me want to go on vacation.
